Monday, October 08, 2007

Church Mission Society

I am reading the October Mission Update from the Church Mission Society (CMS). These are very useful short bulletins giving stories of the way God is transforming lives in the poorest parts of the world through projects assisted by the churches working in partnership. October's edition contains a story about how a group of blind and visually impaired students at a Rwanda secondary school have found new confidence and a sense of belonging through being introduced to "goalball" - a sport that uses a heavy rubber ball with bells inside so blind people can hear it. If there are difficulties for visually inpaired people in the UK in finding fulfilling opportunities for employment and leisure, which there are, how much more are the difficulties for those living in desparately poor economies like Rwanda. CMS is involved in many needy situations like this on the ground. By sending mission partners from churches in one part of the world to churches in another,it enables skills, contacts, money and prayer to be shared between the different parts of Christ's body so strengthening the churches' mission to the poor in the name of Jesus.

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